Eures En - ANPAL
Testo introduttivo eures EN
EURES - European employment services is the European network of employment services coordinated by the European Commission. It supports employment through improved worker mobility. It involves public employment centers, trade unions, employers' organizations, other local and national public institutions.
In Italy
The National Coordination Office of the EURES network is set up at Anpal. The Italian EURES network currently consists of over 70 advisers and around 400 assistants located throughout the country.
Contenuto A chi si rivolge EN
Who is it for?
The services of the EURES network focus on job mobility.
The network provides information, advice, guidance and recruitment to those looking for or offering work in Europe and to those who intend to move to another country for work, internships or apprenticeships.
resident in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, available for professional mobility.
based in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland looking for workers for their company.
Please, scroll down the page to find EURES Advisers in Italy
Contenuto servizi eures EN
Through the European EURES portal you can access free services dedicated to those who already work or to those seeking or offering employment.

Job opportunities in EU countries. Living and working conditions in EU countries (taxation, pensions, health insurance and social security). Post-recruitment support actions, such as language training and integration aid in the destination country.

Drafting of job applications and cv. Matching of job vacancies on the EURES portal. Online recruiting events on the European Job Days platform.

Workers, job seekers and employers. Frontier workers and employers in cross-border regions. Specific groups in EURES targeted occupational mobility programs.
Portale Eures EN
Contenuto I progetti coordinati dalla rete italiana EURES presso ANPAL EN
Projects for professional mobility
EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (EURES TMS)
The European Union's EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme funds mobility projects to support job seekers and employers looking to hire in Europe, responding to labor market needs and imbalances, within a broad public-private partnership.
The program is guided by fair mobility standards and is based on transparent labor market functioning and full sharing of job vacancies at the EU level; it covers a wide range of placements that are regulated by law: jobs and apprenticeships, which last at least 6 months, and traineeships, which last at least three months; it offers direct financial support to job seekers (such as job interviews, relocation travel costs also for family member/s, language courses, recognition of qualifications and diplomas), and financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises to implement an integration program for the newly hired candidate(s)
It is addressed to:
at least 18 years old, citizens legally resident in EU member states and EFTA/EEA countries in accordance with the EEA Agreement (Iceland and Norway) or long-term EU residents (Directive 2003/109/EC)
companies or other profit and no profit organizations legally established in EU member states or EFTA/EEA countries in accordance with the EEA Agreement (Iceland and Norway), regardless of economic sector, with a focus on SMEs
To get more info and participate visit the EURES portal, get in touch with your local EURES Adviser and consult current projects.
Accordion contatti Eures EN
Find an EURES Adviser in Italy
The service delivery times are indicated for each consultant.
In case of delay or complex requests, the service will be provided within 10 days from the first scheduled deadline.
Contatti rete italiana Eures EN
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Friuli Venezia Giulia
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If you are in one of these Provinces, please select Genova in Find the service
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If you are in one of these Provinces, please select Campobasso in Find the service
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If you are in this Province, please select Palermo in Find the service
If you are in this Province, please select Firenze in Find the service
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If you are in this Province, please select Massa Carrara in Find the service
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If you are in this Province, please select Siena in Find the service
If you are in this Province, please select Perugia in Find the service
If you are in one of these Provinces, please select Perugia in Find the service
Valle d'Aosta
If you are in this Province, please select Aosta in Find the service
If you are in this Province, please select Padova in Find the service
If you are in this Province, please select Rovigo in Find the service
If you are in this Province, please select Verona in Find the service
If you are in this Province, please select Venezia in Find the service
If you are in this Province, please select Belluno in Find the service
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
If you are in this Province, please select Bolzano in Find the service
Provincia Autonoma di Trento
If you are in this Province, please select Trento in Find the service
Accordion Permanent National Board
The EURES Permanent National Board was established by Anpal Decree n. 50 of 9 March 2022. It aims to strength cooperation with social parties and to improve cross-border and transnational mobility of workers, in accordance with the EU Regulation 589/2016. The national trade unions Cgil, Cisl, Uil and national employers’ organizations Cna, Confagricoltura, Confapi, Confartigianato, Confcommercio, Confcooperative, Confindustria, Legacoop are members of the board. Italy EURES National Coordination Office at Anpal chairs the board.
ANPAL Decree n. 50 of 9 March 2022 Memorandum of Understanding, approved by the board on 5 April 2022Accordion Siti utili - documenti eures EN
Assistenza nel caso di ostacoli supplementari causati da una pubblica amministrazione che non applica la normativa europea
Regolamento (UE) 2016/589 del Parlamento e del Consiglio, del 13 aprile 2016, relativo a una rete europea di servizi per l'impiego (EURES), all'accesso dei lavoratori ai servizi di mobilità e a una maggiore integrazione dei mercati del lavoro e che modifica i Regolamenti (UE) n. 492/2011 e (UE) n. 1296/2013.